Monday, February 1, 2010

Native American Legends

Writers, last week you wrote legends inspired by the book, Storm Boy, by Paul Owen Lewis. In the comments, please tell us about the main character and plot of your legend. Don't forget to include your first name!


Anonymous said...

I like reading Storm Boy!My favorite part was when he sings and dances. I got to go TTFN.


Anonymous said...

My story main charecter is a little girl who is 5. In the story the girl meets Salmon people.

- malia

Anonymous said...

My main charicter is a boy named son of a chif. my setting is in a pit,tribe and playing bow game
- Henry

Anonymous said...

In my story the main character is me and I fall in the ocean and I see weird sky with small people that are green.


Anonymous said...

My main character is me. I go to a lake, and I try to swim to the bottom of the pool. I end up in the sky world, and meet tiny people. They tell me to come back in a year.


Anonymous said...

In my story a person jumped in a lake and found small people.

Anonymous said...

My legend is about a girl who gets carried away by a wind storm into the Sky World.


Anonymous said...

In my legend the main character is a cheif duater from a small villg. The plot in my is the girl gets taken from her villg and she has to get back. From, KAITLIN.

Anonymous said...

I love reading Storm Boy!My story is about the woods. I think everyone will like it. Iwonder what everybody eleses is about. It is so exciting!


Anonymous said...

Storm Boy is a fun book!
I liked the part when the boy goes in the ocean.

my story is when a little girl gets lost in the forest.

Anonymous said...

in my clas room we wer riating leters.I rote to my mom and dad.


Anonymous said...

6 is ZACH.

Anonymous said...

My story cariters are me and caiter

Anonymous said...

My legend is about a boy named Akh ki ka and when he is seperated from his village.


Anonymous said...

my lengened starts in a winter camp.


Anonymous said...

In writing we were writing uh letter. I wrot a leter to mie dad.

Alex V.

Anonymous said...

My legend is about a boy that gets sucked into a pond and sees wierd creatures!