Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wackadoodle Spelling

The truth is, spelling in the English language doesn't always make a lot of sense.

For example, how on earth did "L" end up in the middle of the word "could"?

And given that "again" ends the same way as "rain," "drain," and "Spain," why isn't it pronounced the same way?

Because of their inherant wackiness, many words need to simply be memorized. But memorizing doesn't have to be boring! Here are a few fun ways that we practice spelling our word wall words over and over in class!

Alphabet stamps:

Wikki Stix:

Colored sand:


How do you make spelling practice fun at home?


Anonymous said...

I love spelling too!


Anonymous said...

I know but some times in fact most of the time it dosent make sense

Anonymous said...

mrs.lee thank you for telling this.


Anonymous said...

I think spelling is wierd too!too! -Amanda

Anonymous said...

Im working on chek for understanding afder three pages from sophia

Anonymous said...

I love spelling! When word work just came out I wanted to do it in a snap! My mom makes spelling fun by saying the word in funny sentences. on word work My favorite thing to do is the wiki sticks. I love spelling!
