Here is the Process Grid we created for this unit (click to enlarge):
Next, we use information from the Process Grid to create sentences that can be grouped into a paragraph. We do this as a class first, with each table group creating one sentence to contribute to the class paragraph (the Cooperative Strip Paragraph). As a class we then revise and edit our paragraph, until it is perfect.
Here is the Cooperative Strip Paragraph we created:
Our final step in this unit was for each table group to create their own Cooperative Strip Paragraph, using the exact same process on a group scale.
Here is the blue table group's paragraph:
Some students took on an additional challenge and created individual paragraphs using this process. In fourth grade, students learn to create several paragraphs in this way and eventually write five-paragraph essays about what they are studying!
I made my a paragraph!
I remember making these paragraphs it was kinda hard but pretty fun!
Hey there's my table groups paragraph! I remember doing that!
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